
Sunday, January 27, 2008

I was tagged by Timani to post 7 little known facts about me.

1. I am addicted to hostess cupcakes. I absolutely love them. I know they aren't even real food, but if I buy a box I could literally eat it all in one day. So we very seldom have them in my house.

2. I am been in 3 bike accidents in my life. The first one was when I was learning to ride a bike. My brother was teaching me and when he let go I looked back and ended up flipping over the handle bars and I got two black eyes and a huge goose egg on my forehead. The second was in elementary school and a car almost hit me so I swerved and fell. The ambulance had to come and get me and I spent the night in the hospital. The third was in high school. Spencer rode a bike down to my house to see me. We decided he would give me a pump on the handle bars. He started going really fast and didn't see a speed bump on the road because it was kind of dark and I flipped off of the bike and he ran over me. I wasn't seriously hurt, but I did have tire mark ingrained in my leg for awhile.

3. I absolutely hate to wash the silverware. This isn't too much of a problem if you have a dishwasher, but in the apartment we live in there is no dishwasher (it is like the dark ages). I hate how the metal scraps on the metal. Gross!!!

4. Spencer can always tell when I have a book that I am absorbed in because the house falls into absolute chaos! So I guess I have a single tracked mind. I will literally read the book and do nothing else. My poor kids :)

5. I have a lotion fetish. If I wash my hands I must have lotion on them after otherwise I have a hard time touching anything. (Rebecca I know you can relate to this).

6. I enjoy cooking. I really like to try new recipes. I think it is exciting to try new and different types of food, but I wish I didn't have to be on clean up duty ever.

7. I enjoy going hunting with my brothers (although I no longer get invited now that I have kids) I mostly enjoy it for the hiking, but I know that is weird.


brandif10 said...

HOw long have I known you? I didn't know you actually liked to hunt and about your bike accidents! I know the lotion thing though! Happy late bday!

Timani said...

Thanks for participating. I exploded in laughter when I read Spencer ran you over! When you wreck, you make sure it's worthwhile. How scary for you and your parents for you to have to stay overnight at the hospital.

I never would have guessed you and hunting mixed. :)

The silverware thing, I TOTALLY agree with, even with a dishwasher, I hate putting silverware away because of the noise. Makes my ears and teeth hurt.

Jody said...

I must know you pretty well! I knew all of those things about you except for your lotion fetish! Ummm..cupcakes sounds good!